Work with Data Feeders


WinTrend supports three data feeders: IQ Feed, IB Feed (connection to both TWS and IB Gateway are supported) and Yahoo Financial. Additionally there is a possibility to load data from CSV file (loaded data will be stored in WinTrend database for further usage).


The main difference of using data feeder in WinTrend is different tickers may operate with different Data Feeders. Moreover, each ticker use 6 data feeders (they may be the same): one for real-time data and another for historical for each data type (Day, Minute or Tick).


Ex. Ticker GLD may be configured to use IQ Feed for getting Tick and Minute data (both historical and real-time) and Yahoo Feed for Day data (both historical and real-time).


Ticker Properties dialog provides a group of settings to configure Ticker data feeders. Also use Data Feed toolbar to set/change current chart data feed.


Important! Do not forget to configure both historical and real-time feeders.


Important! In case of having 2 charts open which are based on the same ticker and same data type (for example GLD(10 minutes) and GLD (30 minutes)), changing current historical/real-time datafeeder will automatically apply to the second one.

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